Gosco Concrete & Railroad Accessories and Supplies


Gosco, with its over 30 years of experience, has developed specialized training programs in production, repair, and special projects fitted to our clients specialized needs. We are ready and prepared to assist with your employee education and specialized product procedures and applications.

Carbon Fiber

This is used for any type of structural repair. Carbon Fiber repairs require an Engineer’s or State inspection and approval. Specialized training class for carbon fiber application certification will take 4 days (3 hours per day). Please contact Randy Goshorn to schedule this training and review training expense.

Clean Concrete

There are many ways to clean concrete. First, you need to determine what you are cleaning (i.e. dirt, grease and oil, efforenses, or whatever may have stained the concrete). Gosco specializes in many non-aggressive chemical cleaners that are environmentally friendly in addition to some more aggressive cleaners that will require training for proper use.

Epoxy Injection

This type of injection is used for both structural and non-structural repairs on cracked concrete. Non-structural repairs don’t require any special training or certification. Structural repairs do require special training and certification to meet Engineered Standards and some State requirements. Contact Randy Goshorn to review possible training and expenses.

Epoxy Repair

Also referred to as “Epoxy Mortar Repair”. Epoxy is used to repair chips or spalls in concrete. Epoxy requires varying types of mixing depending on the damage for proper repair and to ensure structural integrity. These mixing parameters need to be determined so that the epoxy can be formulated and applied correctly. Training classes are available for these specific types of mixing and repairs. Please contact Randy Goshorn for scheduling and class expense.